Zimbabwean President Launches Campaign For Second Term

Zimbabwean President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is also leader of the ruling ZANU PF party, yesterday, launched his party’s election campaign, in preparation for the Aug 23 elections.

Mnangagwa, who came to power in 2017, is seeking a second five-year term as president.

Addressing thousands of supporters, who had congregated for the ruling party’s first rally in Chipinge, about 440 km from the capital, Harare, following the proclamation of the election date, Mnangagwa urged his supporters to vote for the ruling party that brought independence to the southern African nation.

He noted that, his administration had managed to fulfill many of its promises.

“We resolved the fuel crisis, we resolved electricity shortages,” Mnangagwa told his supporters.

He noted that, under his leadership, Zimbabwe has managed to address the food security issue.

“In a short period of time we have grown our agriculture from a 3.8 billion U.S. dollar industry to eight billion,” he said.

Mnangagwa noted that, Zimbabwe will continue the self-sufficiency path by locally mobilising resources to build infrastructure, such as roads.

The sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe over two decades ago by Western countries, must not stop Zimbabweans from developing their country, said Mnangagwa.

He also called on Zimbabweans to observe peace, as they head to the polls.

As the elections approach, Mnangagwa urged his supporters to garner support for the ruling party in urban councils, where the opposition had an edge in previous elections.

According to the Zimbabwe Election Commission, 11 presidential candidates have been cleared by the electoral body to contest in this year’s elections, which will also see voters choosing members of parliament and local council representatives

Source: Nam News Network

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