Working session agrees to develop single guide for communitarian enterprises

A unified guide for setting up communitarian companies will be drawn up, it was agreed at a working session chaired by Riadh Chaouad, Secretary of State for Communitarian Enterprises on Wednesday. The meeting, which was attended by representatives of several ministries, public bodies and partner financial institutions (Tunisian Solidarity Bank and BH Bank), provided an opportunity to present the first version of the guide drawn up by the Ministry of Employment. The participants agreed on the need to draw up a simplified guide covering the stages involved in setting up communitarian enterprises, financing mechanisms, activities requiring permits and specifications, the feasibility study, the main incentives depending on the activity, the management of state land for agricultural purposes, and support and guidance structures. The meeting emphasised the need to carry out a personalised diagnosis of each communitarian enterprise registered in the National Register of Enterprises in order to ensure its long-ter m survival, according to a ministry statement. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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