“Women’s participation rate in local council elections is low” TUMED says

Women's participation in the local council elections is low in the governorates Jendouba, Siliana, Gafsa, Kébili, Kasserine, Tozeur, Médenine and Tataouine,» Director of Programmes at the Tunisian Mediterranean Center (TUMED), Ahlam Manoubia Karoui told TAP, on Sunday. Regarding electoral offences, she underscored that observers from the center recorded attempts of influencing women voters near polling stations. Other Women did not vote «simply because their names were not shown on the electoral register,» she pointed out. In a statement issued by TUMED, Karoui pointed out that women's participation rate stood at 8.46% in the all centers observed combined. Observers also mentioned that «they voted without getting their index fingers marked with the ink election because it ran out». Some of them went to other offices to ink their fingers and then return to their own polling stations. 42 polling stations did not have braille ballot papers, the same source said. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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