Urban planning for inclusive and sustainable development

Tunis: The National Federation of Tunisian Municipalities (FNCT), in line with its role of supporting municipalities through various projects and programmes, has dedicated one of its networks, which brings together several municipalities, to local planning, said its Executive Director Souad Sassi. This network, she explained, represents a forum for sharing experience and know-how, and lays great emphasis on implementing the concept of 'inclusive cities,' which are sustainable and guarantee genuine gender equality. Speaking on Tuesday at the opening of a conference on the gender dimension in urban planning, organised by Cities Alliance in Hammamet, she said that Tunisia's rich heritage in terms of women's rights and their economic and social role should be reflected in the day-to-day living conditions of women and mothers in the various cities and municipal districts, by bringing to the fore successful experiences of inclusive and integrated urban planning. The meeting, organised on July 30-August 1 in Hamm amet, brings together representatives from around 35 Tunisian municipalities and includes training sessions on urban planning and gender mainstreaming. Experts and specialists will oversee the workshops and proceedings. Cities Alliance is a global partnership fighting urban poverty and promoting the role of cities. To manage its activities, the Cities Alliance operates a multi-donor fund of which the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is host and Trustee, according to the organisation's website. "Cities Alliance has been working in Tunisia since 2016, to strengthen the democratic process and decentralisation initiatives that were put in place in the country over recent years. By providing vital support to urban development and local governance, we help reinforce institutions and frameworks and encourage civil society participation to help Tunisian cities become engines of local democracy and development." Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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