University Scholars Underscore Legitimacy of Ethiopia’s Quest for Access to Sea, Alternative PortsCommittal warrant issued for former security officer Fethi Beldi

Ethiopia has historical, geographical and economical rights to demand access to sea and alternative ports, Arbaminch University scholars said. Arbaminch University scholars held a panel discussion under the theme 'Access to Sea, Path to Development' today. On the occasion, Arbaminch University President, Damitew Darza stressed the need to intensify diplomatic efforts to realize Ethiopia's interest. He also underlined the importance of strong stance among all Ethiopians, including scholars, on the need to have access to the sea and alternative ports. Noting that Ethiopia had enjoyed its own sea outlets, he said geopolitical instability of the region forced the country to loss its benefits. However, the scholar added that Ethiopia has historical, geographical and economical rights to demand for access to sea and alternative ports. Ethiopia should pursue all available peaceful mechanisms with a view to realizing its interest in the region, the president underscored, stressing the need to carry out inte nsive diplomatic efforts. A scholar in hydrology, Abdela Kemal said depriving a country with a population of 120 million sea access is injustice. As a result, it has been encountering challenges in its economic development due to the high cost of port services. Noting that Ethiopia's population is expected to double after 30 years, the scholar pointed out the urgency of response to the nation's quest for access to sea. He urged scholars to play their role in attaining the country's interests. At the panel, the scholars also discussed wide ranging issues, including the importance of shared development in the region, Ethiopia's quest for access to sea in relation to international laws, geopolitical and foreign relations. Source: Ethioipian News Agency The First Investigating Judge of the Counter Terrorism Judicial Division issued, on Friday, a committal warrant for former security officer Fethi Beldi, over granting the Tunisian nationality to foreign nationals implicated in international terrorism cases, said spokeswoman for the Counter Terrorism Division and First Deputy of the Public Prosecutor Hanen Gaddes. Beldi was heard and had a confrontation with a witness in this case. The committal warrant was issued in connection with the same case in which former Justice Minister Noureddine Bhiri was arrested too, she told TAP. The Counter Terrorism Judicial Division took up the case of illegally granting the Tunisian nationality to foreign nationals involved in international terrorism cases, contrary to the law in 2013, when Noureddine Bhiri was Minister of Justice (2011-2013). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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