Tunisian textile companies seize opportunities at Ecomondo Show

Priority was given to companies in the textile sector, during the participation of the Tunis International Center for Environmental Technologies (CITET) in the green and circular economy fair, Ecomondo", which was held from November 7 to 10 in Rimini, Italy," Head of department at the International Cooperation Directorate at CITET Nihel Beltaifa told TAP. These companies are in the process of implementing eco-innovation and environmental footprint approaches for their products, as part of the Intex project "Innovative Business Practices and Economic Models in the Textile Value Chain", with the aim of promoting commercial practices and innovative economic models in the textile value chain, Beltaifa pointed out, adding that the textile sector in Tunisia presents a key economic issue and where companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are part of multinational value chains. The choice of these companies is part of CITET's strategy to capitalize on such initiatives and activities to support companies in their ecological transition strategies. «This visit helped the Tunisian delegation to better learn about the greenest, sustainable and resilient solutions to the current environmental challenges they face,» the same sources said. These challenges are related to the circular economy and the reuse of resources, namely water and energy, eco-innovation and the greening of the value chain, eco-design, textile recycling with the circular "fiber to fiber" approach, the recovery of textile waste and the transformation of products in a "cradle to cradle" logic (an approach which maintains the quality of raw materials throughout the multiple life cycles of the product and its components). «All these exchanges will help our companies to anticipate and prepare for the demands of the European market which will be in favor of a low carbon economy and a more sustainable and responsible industrial model in total synergy with our national ecological transition strategy,» the same source said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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