Tunisian State will not renounce its social role (President Saïed)Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU Model for Economic Development of Africa: American Analyst

The Tunisian State will not renounce its social role," reiterated President of the Republic Kaïs Saïed during his meeting Wednesday with Finance Minister Sihem Nemsia and Trade Minister Kalthoum Ben Rejeb. "Those who revolted against injustice and despotism were the poor and destitute," he hammered in allusion to the bread riots of January 1984, which broke out following the lifting of subsidies on grain and by-products. "Some sides still aspire to lift these subsidies and want to deprive the needy of State support. Those sides are today nostalgic for such riots, during which hundreds of martyrs fell," he added. The Head of State considered that some are attempting to lift subsidies in various ways, underlining that "he will not stand idly by while these practices are being carried out, and that he will strive to meet the people's demands for social justice." Underscoring his commitment to social justice, the President of the Republic affirmed the need to re-establish the State's social role, to redress the situation of public enterprises and establishments, and to protect them against those who wish to destroy them." Referring to the examples of the Tunisian Siderurgy Company (El Fouladh) and the Tunisian Dairy Processing Company (STIL), Saïed underlined the need to clean up public companies and restore their rightful place in the national economy. "The goal is to achieve social justice. The State will protect those who grow rich in respect of the law, but it will be firm with those who do not accept accountability," he added. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse The current MoU signed by Ethiopia and Somaliland could become a model for economic development of the continent, Political-economic analyst for Africa Lawrence Freeman said. In an exclusive interview with ENA, the analyst said that the Memorandum of Understanding signed on Monday could be a 'useful example for the rest of the African continent.' Moreover, the MoU for Partnership and Cooperation inked by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Muse Bihi Abdi includes wide scopes of cooperation in social, economic, political, and military fields. It is also intended to serve as a framework for the multisectoral partnership between the two sides, and shall pave the way to realize the aspiration of Ethiopia to secure access to the sea and diversify its access to seaports. In this respect, Freeman believes the agreement is a breakthrough that could accelerate regional and global trade. 'If you look at it optimistically, the situation in the Horn of Africa could actually become a model for economic develop ment and in the whole African continent. Now, this is what we're looking for, regional integration, economic-regional linkage into international trade among nations, instead of exporting everything outside the nation. So this could be a useful example for the rest of the continent.' However, there are political forces within the Horn of Africa and around the world who would like to continue destabilizing the region, the American analyst noted. He particularly pointed out that there are manipulators and political forces screaming war constantly. When the prime minister talked about the port in October 2023, dozens of articles were published predicting war. But, there was no indication of war, he stated. According to Freeman, the historic MoU was signed in a peaceful manner and has the potential to bring other countries to cooperate with Ethiopia in this geopolitically strategic part of the world. He advised specifically Somalis to refrain from inflammatory statements and resolve the issue calmly. Given the conflict between Somalia and Somaliland for many years, Somaliland has been conducting its affairs differently in the spheres of currency, economy, governance and others. The MoU 'can offer economic growth to actually both nations because if Somaliland is growing, Somalia is growing too.... Statements like 'we're not going to give one inch of our territory' is the kind of talking that is not helpful. We're going to have to move forward. We can't stay the way we are. We need to have a resolution between those two between Somalia and Somaliland.' Beyond that the problems in the Horn of Africa are very complicated and emanate from a whole bunch of leftover problems from the days of colonialism, he noted. There is a lot of antagonism and complications that come from colonial history. 'As for the amount of anger and hatred that I see from people against one country versus another, we're not going to give up. We're not going to let them know that you're stuck in the mind of the old colonists picture. My me ssage to people is to move forward,' the analyst underscored. For Freeman those people who are screaming about war are either fools or they're being manipulated by other forces in the wrong way. In general, the American analyst stated that the MoU is very important for Ethiopia to realize the advancement of import-export trade and allow the nation to have greater access to the rest of the world. Ethiopia also being the largest economy and population, the area can make perfect sense to build a naval capacity it once had when it accessed the Red Sea, he added. More importantly, Ethiopia is also now going to play a major role as the country has become a new member of the BRICS, the leading institution of the global South, with a new paradigm for development of emerging nations. That gives Ethiopia a great deal of an opportunity to begin to deal with all the political-economic frailties and create a new level of regional cooperation in the region. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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