Tunisian diplomacy committed to its principles and constants, FM says in meeting with Prime Minister

Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani met on Wednesday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar. Nabil Ammar told the Prime Minister that Tunisian diplomacy is committed to its principles and constants and is keen to adapt to global geopolitical developments and changes in order to ensure its proper positioning and enhance its economic efficiency. During the meeting, which took place at the Government Palace in the Kasbah, Hachani praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the face of current challenges, according to a statement from the Prime Ministry. The Prime Minister, who was briefed on the progress of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed the need to continue consolidating a good working atmosphere through the adoption of the new organisational structure.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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