Tunisia sends food aid plane to Palestinian people

Tunis: A Tunisian military aircraft filled with 14 tonnes of food for the Palestinian people departed Thursday from El Aouina military airport in Tunis to El Arish International Airport, Egypt, Minister Adviser to the President of the Republic Mustapha Ferjani said. This aid delivery, on President Kais Saïed's instructions, is designed to respond to a pressing need for food amid a war and blockade-induced hunger in Palestine, the official further told TAP. The move was coordinated with Egypt and carried out through the Tunisian embassy in Cairo. Aid deliveries will continue over the coming days to support the Palestinian people, Ferjani added. The dispatch of food aid is intended to help ease the severity of the blockade endured by the Palestinian people, the official said. Tunisia will keep on providing un limited support to the Palestinians in their heroic fight against war crimes and the destruction committed by the Isreali occupation forces. Tunisia reiterates full condemnation of violations and crime s committed in Gaza, famine being one of its most horrific forms claiming victims among infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly. The official reminded of Tunisia's firm stances expressed on several occasions by President Kais Saïed. Emphasis was laid on Tunisia's unwavering support for the Palestinian people so that they can recover their rights and establish their independent State on the whole land of Palestine with Al-Qods as capital. President of the Tunisian Red Crescent Abdellatif Chabo (CRT) Abdellatif Chabou said the food aid was sent on the President of republic's instructions to support the Palestinian people as the food insecurity worsened. The CRT also made available large quantities of a medicine that will be dispatched to the Palestinien people in the coming days. Chabou said measures had been taken as part of coordination between the Tunisian and Egyptian foreign ministries, Tunisia's embassy in Egypt as well as the Tunisian, Egyptian and Palestinian red crescents to accelerate th e , entry of aid to Gaza. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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