Tunisia/Italy: Four contracts worth pound 8.71 million to support over 3,000 grain farmers signed

Four collectors from the Grain Office (COSEM, SOSEM, CMA, and SSCC) signed, on Monday, in Tunis, contracts with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) with a total value of approximately pound 8.71 million (more than 29.3 million dinars), covering the 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 grain seasons, the Delegation of the European Union to Tunisia (EEAS) said, adding that the goal of these contracts is to provide support to over 3,000 Tunisian grain farmers. Signed at the AICS headquarters, these subsidies will be distributed by the signatory collectors to grain producers, in the form of discounts on agricultural inputs, services and equipment. Their aim is to help Tunisian grain farmers reduce their production costs, reads a statement of the EEAS. This initiative is part of «a desire for direct financial support to producers, making aid more accessible and contributing to the promotion of sustainable and resilient agriculture in the face of climate challenges». This will «not only enable efficient dist ribution of resources, but also facilitate access to modern agricultural technologies and practices.» The goal is "to reach thousands of grain farmers, encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly methods, and promote the shift to a more productive and sustainable agriculture, in line with Tunisia's objectives on these matters." To this end, «grain producers will be able to benefit from the monitoring and support of the National Institute of Large Crops (INGC)». The signing of these contracts is part of the ADAPT Céréales programme, financed by the European Union (pound 24.82 million) and implemented by the AICS, and in collaboration with the World Food Programme ( PAM). The ADAPT Céréales programme, funded by the European Union (pound 24.82 million) seeks to improve food security and sovereignty in Tunisia, through the promotion and support of sustainable, inclusive and resilient grain production. «ADAPT Céréales represents a response to the urgent need to stabilize a strategic sector for Tunisia, which plays a key role in the country's development and which ensures basic food for all segments of the population.» Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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