Tunisia, Cuba seek scaled-up parliamentary relations [Upd 1]

Speaker of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) Brahim Bouderbala and Cuba's Ambassador to Tunisia Máriem Martinez Laurel had a talk Friday at the seat of the parliament.

Máriem Martinez Laurel said her country is keen to bolster parliamentary relations by means of intensifying visits between MPs and members of friendships groups.

The ambassador underlined the importance of bilateral relations and joint keenness to bolster them, especially in health, education, culture and sports, the assembly said in a press release.

Tunisia and Cuba share views on a number of regional and international issues, the diplomat further said.

Cuba, Máriem Martinez Laurel said, lends paramount importance to further promoting the Group of 77 + China as its current chair. The grouping seeks to increase security, stability and cooperation across the globe.

The Ambassador, whose country will be hosting next September the G77 plus China summit , expressed " the hope to see Tunisia attend this summit with a high-level delegation, given its importance in achieving rapprochement and strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation."

Bouderbala welcomed the Cuban Parliament's kenness to further strengthen relations and underlined willingness to achieve this goal, notably through the creation of the Tunisian-Cuban parliamentary friendship group.

Tunisian-Cuban relations are of key importance, the speaker further said, and there is need to give them impetus according to a new vision.

Tunisia is committed to an active presence in regional and international organisations, considering the importance of joint action and increased consultation on issues related to global security and stability.

The Ambassador handed a congratulatory letter to Bouderbala from President of the National Assembly of People's Power, Cuba's parliament, Juan Esteban Lazo Hernández.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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