Tunisia can bring growth rate to 3% in 2024 (Hachani)

Tunisia can bring its growth rate to 3% by 2024, Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani said at a plenary session held on Friday. In his speech during the presentation of the government's declaration, Hachani pointed out that the improvement of the growth indicators is still possible, given the government's commitment to reform the banking sector to better serve small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and step up financial inclusion. The government endeavours to integrate the informal economy into the organised circuit and to set up the adequate legislative and procedural frameworks to encourage investment and improve the economic situation. The PM optimism as to the country's ability to overcome this difficult stage, stating "we are convinced that Tunisia is capable of getting through this difficult economic situation," underlining the State's commitment to implementing the economic reforms needed to restore its financial balances, without impacting the middle and low-income classes, thereby preserving social p eace. Touching on the role of the Central Bank of Tunisia, Hachani asserted that it is to help guide the country's monetary policy, underscoring the need to ensure that this policy is in harmony with the country's economic policy and pointing to the progress made in resolving problems at public banks and banks with public shareholdings. He underlined the need to step up financial inclusion by guaranteeing access to the various banking and postal financial services, considering this to be the best way of achieving social inclusion. The 2024 Draft Finance Law enshrines the social role of the State and aims to preserve social peace by ensuring the availability of basic services and products. The bill also aims to reform the system of tax benefits, improve tax justice and combat tax evasion. The draft amendments to Article 96 of the Criminal Code and Article 411 of the Commercial Code on bounced cheques would soon be submitted to a cabinet meeting for approvement, Hachani said. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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