Transforming Addis into a More Livable and Vibrant City

Addis Ababa: In addition to serving as Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa is significant to African politics and diplomacy. Along with the embassies of many nations throughout the world, the city is home to the headquarters of important international organizations like the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Recognizing the importance of Addis Ababa, not only for its residents but also for the international diplomatic community, the government has been dedicated to improving the city's livability for its millions of inhabitants and the staff of various international organizations. Through collaboration between the Addis Ababa city administration and the federal government, a series of measures have been undertaken to transform the city into a cutting-edge, smart metropolis. Over the past few years, Addis Ababa has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the initiative led by Prime Minister Abiy to enhance the city's aesthetics. The efforts have borne fruit, wit h the creation of world-class parks and museums that have greatly supported the country's tourism sector. Notable achievements include Unity Park, Entoto Park, Friendship Park, the Science Museum, the National Palace Museum, and the Adwa Memorial Museum, which have added to the city's allure for both residents and visitors. In addition to these accomplishments, the government has intensified its collaboration with the private sector to further elevate Addis Ababa's status as the political capital of Africa and a hub for influential international organizations. One such project is the corridor development initiative, aimed at elevating the city's stand global smart city standards. Rebuilding slum areas, renovating and improving infrastructure facilities such as integrated drainage systems and utilities, as well as expanding of roads to handle increased traffic, building roomy walkways for pedestrians, repairing historic buildings, and modernizing structures to conform to the city's aesthetic standards to imp rove the living conditions of citizens. As part of the city's continued development activities, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed recently announced another significant project. He has launched a campaign to revolutionize public sanitation infrastructure, envisioning modern, hygienic, and inclusive restroom facilities across urban areas. The campaign, named "Clean Streets and Healthy Livelihood," places community engagement at its core and aligns with a broader commitment to creating cities that cater to the needs of all citizens. Prime Minister Abiy has called upon Ethiopians to join hands in building cities that prioritize cleanliness and inclusivity, emphasizing the importance of collective effort. This campaign builds upon the Prime Minister's transformative endeavors during his six-year tenure, which have focused on improving urban environments and public amenities. The campaign dubbed 'clean streets and healthy livelihood,' is closely linked to the beautification of Addis Ababa, the greening of the city, the road corridor development project, and the ongoing rehabilitation of infrastructure. 'As we embark on this new initiative, I call upon all Ethiopians to contribute their share in creating cities that are conducive for everyone,' he posted on X. The campaign which could be launched in regional cities as well is closely connected to the beautification of Addis Ababa and greening the city along with road corridor development project and rehabilitation of infrastructures currently underway in the city. For many decades, Addis Ababa has lacked standardized public restrooms and sanitary services, often leading residents to resort to unsanitary alternatives in isolated corners. The project aims to provide the public with standardized restrooms and sanitation facilities and is financed through donations from the general public, individual donors, and institutions and companies that have enthusiastically embraced the Prime Minister's initiative. The project is expected to provide residents with access to public sa nitation services in a more dignified manner, reducing the spread of waterborne diseases and related health hazards. Over time, it may also create employment opportunities for those in need and serve as a source of income generation for the unemployed. This project is also an integral part of the green legacy initiative, which contributes to various ecotourism projects and park developments that are already modernizing Addis Ababa's landscape. To ensure the sustainability of the project and create a vibrant and healthy environment for the public to enjoy the benefits of improved sanitation, it is essential to emphasize the importance of public participation and organized development. As efforts to secure funds for the project, a telethon has been launched last week by the premier. The fundraising activity can serve as a showcase for the significance of cooperation and mutual concern in improving the health and beautification of cities across the country. The general public and individual companies have bee n actively participating in the telethon. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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