Towards revision of specifications relating to exercise of economic activities (Ministry official)

Tunis: Some 167 specifications relating to the exercise of economic activities will be revised over 18 months, while preserving economic systems and taking into account social aspects, announced Mohamed Ben Abid, director general in charge of improving the business climate at the Ministry of Economy and Planning. Speaking at a workshop held on Thursday on the methodology for revising the specifications for the exercise of economic activities, "combating the cash economy and facilitating market access", Ben Abid stressed that all sectors of the economy will be affected by this measure, citing agriculture, tourism, transport and communication technology as examples. He added that priority would be given to the most complicated specifications, which were paralysing the national economy. The ministry started to abolish licences to carry out economic activities in 2018, with the aim of unleashing entrepreneurship, simplifying procedures for investors, and combating the cash economy, Ben Abid pointed out. He re called the abolition of a first list of 25 authorisations, followed by a second list of 27 authorisations, stressing that the ministry is currently working to abolish 33 authorisations in the near future. For his part, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Abdelmonem Belatai, called for a climate conducive to investment. He warned against the spread of corruption in the country, stressing the need to combat this phenomenon, particularly in the administration, which has become a nightmare for investors and hinders the development of their projects because of bureaucracy. "Several investors have left the country and invested in other destinations," he added. He said that his department was working to make it easier for investors to obtain licences if their applications complied with the procedures in place. Belati added that several licences had been withdrawn and 21 new specifications had been issued, bringing the total number of specifications in the ministry to 49. Source: Agence Tun is Afrique Presse

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