Tourism minister calls for preservation of Nigeria’s cultural heritage

The Minister of Tourism, Mrs Lola Ade-John, on Friday urged Nigerians to work unanimously in preserving the nation's cultural heritage. Ade-John made the call during her visit to La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort in Ikegun, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos. The minister was received by the Founder of the beach resort, Chief Olawanle Akinboboye, who led her and her entourage on a tour of the vast 65 acres of the resort. 'Through initiatives like La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, we harness tourism's power to showcase Nigeria's beauty and diversity while fostering economic growth and sustainable development. 'I urge all stakeholders present to continue supporting endeavours that celebrate our Nigerian identity and promote our cultural heritage, ensuring places like La Campagne Tropicana serve as beacons of pride and inspiration.' The minister said she would be deeply committed to promoting and preserving the Nigerian heritage for the enjoyment of present and future generations. She described the tourism asset as a b eacon of creativity and ingenuity. She appreciated Akinboboye for allowing her team to immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of the Nigerian culture and heritage visible everywhere at the resort. She also expressed her appreciation to the management of the beach resort for its unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to showcasing the best of Nigeria. She expressed optimism that her visit would mark the beginning of a new era, a renaissance of Nigerian culture and heritage shining brightly for generations to come. 'La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort is a beacon of creativity and ingenuity, a testament to Nigeria's richness and diversity. 'Through its intricate presentation of architecture, cultural practices, cuisine, and entertainment, the resort encapsulates the essence of our unique identity, inviting visitors to discover and appreciate our heritage. 'As we gather amidst the breathtaking beauty of this resort, let's reflect on the significance of our shared cultural heritage. 'Nigeria , with its myriad traditions, languages, and customs, is a treasure trove of diversity, a mosaic of experiences waiting to be explored and celebrated. 'This resort serves as more than a destination for leisure it is a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue, a space where people from all walks of life can come together to learn, share, and celebrate what makes us uniquely Nigerian.' The Minister went on a boat cruise; inspected the holiday homes at the resort; and the Bolekaja bar- a heritage of transport scenario of the nation in the 60s, preserved at the resort for future generations. She also went on tour to the founder's camp, where Akinboboye first landed at age 26, to begin the actualisation of his dreams. Then a tour of the houses with live trees strutting out of their roofs as well as the Oja Africa where all African nations have a stand, to sell their artefacts, arts and culture, and many other locations around the resort. Ade-John also had the opportunity to witness a rare performance of Ar a Thunder, one of the major stars of Atunda Entertainment, also founded by Akinboboye. Earlier, Akinboboye appreciated the Minister for her visit. He emphasised that tourism was not just about sites and destinations but also about the culture and traditions of the people. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

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