Three public transport companies owe social security funds 600 million dinars (official)

The debts of three public transport companies to the social security funds have reached around TND 600 million, Director General of Social Security, Nader Ajabi, said during a study day on "the state's social policy" organised by the Parliamentary Academy at the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) Monday. "The Tunisian transport company (TRANSTU), the national railway company (SNCFT) and the national interurban transport company (SNTRI) owe the social security funds TND 600 million," he pointed out. He recalled that the debt of the National Company of Cellulose and Esparto Paper (SNCPA) had reached TND 60 million, while that of the Company of Pharmaceutical Industries of Tunisia (SIPHAT) had reached TND 18 million. He pointed out that the social security funds will continue with the direct transfer of contributions, in addition to imposing late payment fines at modified rates. Ajabi added that H the social security funds would resort to forced collection procedures and that institutions that did no t pay their debts to the social security funds would be subject to late payment fines. He recalled that Minister of Social Affairs, Malek Zahi, recently announced a social amnesty aimed at resolving the situation of business enterprises, adding that the amnesty will not be renewed or extended. It comes one year after the success of a social amnesty which helped mobilise resources worth TND 500 million last year, he further noted. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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