Tataouine: Workshop ”Sehaty 2” project ends

TATAOUINE: The Tunisian reproductive health association in Tataouine organized, Tuesday evening, the closing workshop of the "Sehaty 2" project, which lasted for a year. Speaking to TAP, Local Project Manager, Shaima Mzoughi, said that the programme, which is funded by the European Union through les Médecins du Monde organization, aims to provide better healthcare services to citizens, particularly those in precarious situations. The project seeks to provide support to 12 Tunisian associations to implement healthcare programs, particularly those related to reproductive and sexual health. The project manager welcomed the results of the programme saying that «it is the result of a fruitful partnership between the organization and the components of civil society.» The European Union allocated 2.5 million euros to this project, including 615,000 euros devoted to civil society programmes in Tunisia, the same source says. Member of the Tunisian reproductive health association in Tataouine, Bechir Bouaziz, indi cated that the ''Sehaty 2'' project was carried out over 260 days of field work, in 8 rural areas, including 4 regions in the delegation of Tataouine-Nord, (Ksar Ouled Soltane, Remtha, Tlelet and Mghit), and 4 other areas in the delegation of South Tataouine, (Maztouria, Ksar Ouled Debbab, Ras El Oued and Douiret), where approximately 7,000 basic healthcare services were provided. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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