Tanzania: President Samia wants law to deal with ‘pseudo officials’

Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan has suggested that a law be enacted to prevent public leaders from misusing their powers.

She made the statement at the Jakaya Kikwete Hall in the State House, Dar es Salaam on Saturday after receiving the Tanzania Criminal Justice System report submitted by the special Commission chaired by Retired Chief Justice Mohamed Chande Othman.

The Head of State noted that misuse of power is one of the sources that prevent people from getting justice as well as fueling crimes in the country.

Citing the report, she said: “This problem of abuse of power truly exists. There should be a law that will direct how to treat those leaders who infringe that law. Sometimes a genuine case is at the DPP, but he then receives a call ordering him to withdraw the case.”

Samia was prompted to explain this following a report tabled by the Retired Chief Justice Mohamed Chande Othman which uncovered that some public officials were obstacles to the access of the right as they had been misuse of their power by issuing arrest orders contrary to the laws of the land.

In his report, the retired CJ recommended that public leaders should be reminded to comply with the laws.

Meanwhile, the Head of State instructed the Chief Secretary, Dr Moses Kusiluka to collaborate with the Commission for accessing and coming up with recommendations that will help to improve the Criminal Justice system in the country to prepare a concept paper carrying a budget recommendation for financial assistance from various stakeholders.

“There are stakeholders who say that Tanzania has already done well economically and politically, we want to help you in democracy, good governance and human rights. Well, let them come and put their money here and this is indeed a big thing,” she stated.

Presenting the findings, the former CJ said: “We have discovered that some top governmental leaders are commanding security forces to arrest citizens and lock them up while they do not have such power. We recommend that they should be reminded to comply with the laws.

“More than 90 per cent of rape cases in the country are not investigated scientifically (DNA) due to the high cost charged by the Government Chemist Laboratory Authority, (GCLA).”

Source: Nam News Network

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