Success of government action hinges on cooperation with Parliament,” Hachani

The success of government action hinges on cooperation between the government and parliament, said Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Friday, arguing that "the last word in any democracy belongs to the people, who chose their President of the Republic, elected the parliament and broke with democratic excesses." During the presentation to parliament of the government's declaration on the draft 2024 State budget, the economic balance and the Finance Bill, Hachani added that the forthcoming elections for the local councils would further consolidate democracy at the local level. "Tunisia is a State of democracy and institutions where respect for public freedoms reigns despite criticism," he said. Some people deliberately seek to use insults and undermine people's dignity in the name of public freedoms," he said. In another connection, the PM underlined that the government is continuing the process of political, social and economic reform in coordination with the President of the Republic, in a united state work ing to restore public confidence and cultivate a culture of hard work and positivity. Hachani underlined in this regard, the government team's determination, since taking office, to confer the utmost importance to economic and social considerations by taking a number of measures. He added that the government had approved the draft biometric national identity card and biometric passport in line with international standards, and had completed consultations on the revision of law no. 1989-9 of February 1, 1989, on public shareholdings and companies, with a view to protecting the State and civil servants. "The government also conducted an overall review of recruitment and integration into the civil service, public authorities, institutions and establishments, as well as consecrating a quality administration in order to enhance the efficiency of public services." "The country needs these audits to identify the causes of the dysfunctions in the Tunisian administration," the Premier considered. The government i s currently working to finalise certain points in the draft legal texts that will soon be approved by the cabinet, he added. Hachani reaffirmed Tunisia's unshakeable position with regard to the Palestinian cause and its unwavering support for the Palestinian people through diplomatic support and human aid. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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