Strive for ??Eco Industrial Park Excellence in Kombolcha Industrial Park Encouraging

Addis Ababa: Industrial Parks Development Corporation CEO, Fisseha Yitagesu stated that the strive for ??Eco Industrial Park excellence in Kombolcha Industrial Park is encouraging. During his visit, the CEO observed the current operational activities at Kombolcha Industrial Park. He toured manufacturing companies within the park and engaged in discussions with both local and foreign investors. During their discussion, Fisseha exchanged detailed ideas with the investors on topics including job creation, export promotion, import substitution, and set directions for prioritizing issues and implementing necessary actions.It was also underlined that the industrial park's favorable environment for investors and the green development works done by the park for the development of eco industrial park will greatly help the country's green legacy program. Along with the tour at the industrial park, a green legacy program was also carried out. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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