Sputnik uses AI to develop its news production (Symposium)

Tunis: Director of Special Projects at the Russian news agency "Sputnik" Mikhaïl Konrad affirmed that his institution effectively uses artificial intelligence algorithms to develop its news production. Speaking via videoconference at the International Symposium organised by TAP on Thursday in Tunis on the 'Role of Modern Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Developing Journalistic Content for News Agencies,' Konrad specified that Sputnik uses its cutting-edge technologies, notably to check the authenticity of photos and identify the people in them. Sputnik also uses AI to caption photos and attach descriptive text, and to transcribe speeches using the Telegram Box technique, he added. The Russian official pointed out that the agency uses other technological tools including 'Q Bot' to translate texts and press articles into Russian, Arabic, French and English in just a few minutes. Sputnik is endeavouring to expand the use of AI-based translation tools to include other production languages, he indicated. Sputnik is a Russian news agency and radio channel with multimedia centres in several countries, including the United States, China, France, Germany, Egypt and the United Kingdom. The agency currently covers international political and economic news and publishes news reports in more than 30 languages, including English, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese. Sputnik first started operating in the field of global media in 2014, as an important part of the international news agency "Rossiya Segodnya." Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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