Sixth edition of EnviroFest Tunisia, May 19-24

The 6th edition of the Envirofest Tunisia, the film festival dedicated to the environment, will be hosted on May 19-24 at the Chedly Klibi City of Culture.

This cultural, educational and cinematographic event which is organised at the initiative of the Tunisia Cinema Foundation in partnership with the Tunisian Film Library, offers each year a platform of debates on environmental issues bringing together several partners, including the National Centre of Cinema and Image (CNCI), the embassies of the United States, Canada, Japan and the European Union to Tunisia, as well as the Tunis Opera Theatre.

For this new edition in which arts and culture interact with the public to explain and lobby for the environment, Envirofest Tunisia is planning a varied selection of documentary film screenings.

The EnviroFest Kids section will feature fun and intelligent workshops and a magical puppet show in partnership with the National center of Arts of Puppet (N.C.A.P).

Becoming an essential part of Envirofest, the Ecoresponsible Environmental Village with its 32 exhibitors will offer the general public the opportunity to meet associations, artists and green craftsmen.

This village will offer networking and collaboration opportunities by bringing together actors who are committed to the environment, its preservation and its sustainable development, in addition to visibility by providing insight on eco-responsible initiatives and startups.

As for the education and awareness section, associations/NGOs, research structures and all other initiatives will have the occasion to interact with the public to raise their environmental awareness.

Whilst providing sustainable consumption alternatives by facilitating the transition process to consumer-actor, the village is structured around several pavilions on the protection of biodiversity and environmental education, waste management, recycling (eco-design, eco-art and sustainable fashion: upcycled fashion) as well as responsible consumption (sustainable agriculture and food, eco-responsible personal and domestic hygiene).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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