Siliana: More than 1,200 ha of forest destroyed by fires in Melloula and El Krib this summer

"The fires that broke out this summer in Melloula-Tabarka (Jendouba governorate) and Djebel Mergueb in El Krib (Siliana governorate) are among the largest fires recorded in Tunisia this year," said head of the General Directorate of Forests at the Ministry of Agriculture, Mohamed Naoufel Ben Haha. During his visit to Siliana, Ben Haha told TAP that the two fires have devastated almost 1,200 hectares of forest in each region, adding that the total area of forest destroyed has not yet been determined as a new fire broke out in Siliana on Tuesday, devastating around 25 hectares of forest. Commenting on the national firefighting strategy, Ben Haha said that it essentially consists in responding quickly to the risks of fire spread and ensuring the deployment of forest agents on the ground.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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