Siliana-Elections: Candidates in Arousa and Makther step up their campaigning

Candidate in the constituency of Arousa in Siliana, Hassen Ganouati told TAP on Thursday that he would work to create a local hospital, a primary health centre and a post office and encourage the construction of social housing. He added during his campaign for the local elections, that his programme aims notably to develop agriculture by encouraging the granting of state-owned land to higher education graduates to carry out projects, reinforcing support for young farmers and seeking to launch an agricultural services centre in the region. In turn, candidate Ridha Fdhili in Soualem (Makther delegation) undertook to increase youth employment and support for farmers, to facilitate the granting of loans to acquire social housing and to ensure the upgrading of infrastructure and lakes in the region. For his part, candidate for the same locality Fethi Beldi promised to endeavour to stimulate investment to create jobs in the region, facilitate financing procedures for young entrepreneurs and set up a school tran sport service, in addition to maintaining schools and rural tracks. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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