Sidi Thabet:Tripartite agreement to install 48 gridded metallic filters in sewers to combat pollution

A tripartite agreement was signed in Tunis on Friday between the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), start-up Wayout and the Sidi Thabet Municipality to improve the quality of the environment in the local commune. The agreement provides for the use of 48 gridded metallic filters for sewers, manufactured by Wayout. These filters will be installed in drains to capture all types of water, from cigarette butts to plastic bags, the CDC said in a press release. They then need to be emptied regularly to maintain their effectiveness. The cleaning process has been designed to make workers' jobs easier and safer, thereby reducing cleaning costs. Green start-up Wayout, co-founded by Youssef Bouzariata and Mohamed Rammeh, aims to use this solution to combat flooding and marine pollution. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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