Sfax hosts 22nd edition of National Mental Health Days (April 19 to 20)

SFAX: "Mental Illnesses, Psychological and Biological Causes," represented the theme of the 22nd edition of the National Mental Health Days, which started, on Friday, in Sfax and will continue until the 20th. The event is held at the initiative of the Association for Research and Studies in Mental Health of Sfax. Speaking to TAP, University hospital professor in psychiatry at the School of Medicine of Sfax, Jihene Ben Thabet Kammoun, said that the event's theme was selected because the increasing psychological pressures at work as well as in the social and economic life likely to impact people's mental health. «Nowadays, mental illnesses are treated through psychotherapy as well as medication» she added. This scientific event provides for the organization of several training workshops on different types of psychological treatments as well as workshop for family doctors in an effort to improve the quality of Tunisian citizens' mental health. The second day of the event will focus on various psychological t reatments and the approach between the physical health and the psychological one. It will be monitored by a panel of hospital doctors from various medical schools in Tunisia and abroad. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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