Second phase of ADAPT programme launched

Tunis: The second phase of the Support of Sustainable Development in the Agriculture and Artisanal Fisheries sector in Tunisia (ADAPT) programme, funded by the European Union and aimed at encouraging sustainable private investment in the agricultural and fisheries sectors in Tunisia, has been launched. This new phase encourages and supports a greener and more inclusive economy, states the European Union delegation to Tunisia in a press release issued on Tuesday. Implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), the ADAPT programme focuses on environmentally-friendly production methods. With a budget of pound 6 million (the equivalent of TND 20.30 million) for this new phase, the ADAPT Invest Support Fund seeks to encourage private initiatives that contribute to the ecological and sustainable transition of agri-food production systems in Tunisia. This approach aims to support the resilience and competitiveness of the agricultural and fi sheries sector, while preserving the environment and maximising the value of Tunisia's natural and cultural heritage. Interested project promoters, whether family farms, SMEs or groups in the agricultural or fisheries sector, are invited to submit their applications via an online platform before March 18, 2025. A contribution ceiling of pound 70,000 per project has been set, thereby helping to support a wide range of initiatives. Eligible projects will receive a contribution in the form of a grant covering up to 14% of the amount of a loan granted by a financial or leasing institution. The projects funded under this programme must show their contribution to environmental, economic and socio-territorial sustainability, so promoting environmentally-friendly practices, reinforcing food security and creating attractive local jobs, notably for young people and women. Funded by the European Union with pound 44.4 million, the ADAPT programme which was launched in 2020 and will run until 2028, targets private in vestment as a driver of economic, social and environmental change. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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