Saied pushes for new community land legislation in meeting with Minister of State Property

President Kais Saied stressed in a meeting with Minister of State Property and Land Affairs, Mohamed Rekik, on Monday at Carthage Palace, the need to develop new legislation regarding the 300,000 hectares of community land in order to put an end to the current legislation, which has often led to injustice and corruption, especially at the level of management committees. Saied raised the issue of communitarian enterprises, which a large number of unemployed young people are keen to set up, but which, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic, have been hindered by a number of administrations and officials in order to discourage them and end their aspirations to work and create wealth. It added that land belonging to the state's private domain had been legalised for some people at the cheapest prices and that young people looking for work had been prevented from starting any projects. "This situation is unacceptable and must stop," said the President of the Republic, noting that those who use the excuse of procedures and their complications, which only lengthen for unemployed young people, will not remain unaccountable. "Not only do they play into the hands of retrograde forces and lobbies, but they also run counter to the demands of the Tunisian people for jobs and dignity." Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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