Run-off local elections – M’hamdia: Development of infastructure and environment at heart of candidates’ programmes

The results of the first round of the local elections in the M'hamdia constituency have sent two candidates through to the run-off, Moussa Sahli (293 votes, or 23% of the vote) and Najwa Souihi (285 votes, or 37.22% of the vote). The two candidates agree on the need to promote archaeological sites, develop infrastructure and work to prioritise environmental issues in the region, although they differ on the means to be used to remedy shortcomings. The electoral platform of Moussa Sahli, 35, is based mainly on issues relating to the regularisation of the property situation of the region's inhabitants, improving health services, creating a local hospital and rehabilitating public facilities for young people. He also promised to work to stimulate investment, implement projects with high employment potential and establish a vocational training centre in the region. Candidate Najwa Souihi, 36, who is unemployed, focused her manifesto on promoting public transport, advocating the creation of private transport c ompanies and the need to modernise public administration. She promised to focus on the situation in the M'hamdia industrial area, encourage small-scale projects and work to set up a fund to help housewives, as well as working to support disadvantaged and low-income groups. The run-off local elections for the local council of the M'hamdia delegation concerns two constituencies, namely "M'hamdia" and "Ennasim", while the candidates in the constituencies of "Mongi Slim", "Sidi Fraj" and "Cité SaSda" won in the first round. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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