Run-off local elections in Sfax: Candidates in Hzag constituency pledge to develop agricultural sector

Runoff local elections candidates in Hzag constituency in Jbeniana delegation (Sfax 1) are Omar Moncer (who received 371 votes in the first round, i.e. 46.73%) and Radhouan Ben Ali (159 votes, i.e. 20.3%). Candidate Moncer promised to upgrade the infrastructure by setting up a primary healthcare centre and linking the Hzag constituency to the driking water network. He further undertook to encourage drilling of deep wells to irrigate olive trees and facilitate loan granting to the region's farmers and fishermen. The candidate's programme further stipulates the upgrading of infrastructure, extention of public lighting, pavement of roads and setting-up a subsidised fodder sales outlet. Ben Ali voiced for his part, keenness to develop the agricultural sector, boost investment and employment of graduates by providing micro-loans and concessional loans. He further pledged to draft a plan to layout agricultural roads, extend public lighting and set up a cultural centre and a public library for the youth. Sou rce: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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