Run-off local elections in Kairouan: Development of agricultural, health and educational sectors at heart of candidates’ programmes

Run-off local elections candidates in Oued LAhjal constituency in Hajeb El Ayoun delegation (Kairouan governorate), namely Mondher Mrabet and Zahi Mnissi undertook to develop the agricultural, health and educational sectors. Mrabet, who obtained 361 votes in the first round, said he is keen to solve the drinking water issues, ensure fair distribution of fodder, upgrade the roads and improve rural women's conditions. He further promised to support the private initative by helping the region's youth obtain loans, set up several primary healthcare centres in Nsaibia, Farhatia and Dar Khraief and upgrade the infrastructure of the region's schools. For his part, Mnissi, who received 306 votes in the 1st round, focused his programme on solving the drinking water issues in the Imada, support small farmers and creat irrigated perimeters. He also pledged to improve the services in the region's primary healthcare centres, upgrade the educational institutions' infrastructure and improve school transport. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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