“Republican Pact will be made public soon” (Faouzi Charfi/Al Massar)

Al Massar Party Secretary General Faouzi Charfi on Friday stated that the political initiative launched last January by the party with other political parties, civil society components and independents has led to the drafting of a "Republican Pact," which will be made public in the next few days.

He specified in a statement to TAP, that this initiative, which is not intended for the Executive, aims to find solutions to the political, economic, financial and social crisis the country is undergoing.

He added that the initiative is rather targeted at the public opinion in order to find common ground on a set of principles, first and foremost the civil nature of the State and the democratic republican system.

The initiative brings together, notably, parties, associations and independent personalities who share the same attachment to rights and freedoms, to the republican system and who believe in the civil nature of the State, he pointed out.

They are notably Al Massar, the Socialist Party, Afek Tounes, Machrou Tounes, the Tunisian National Coalition and the Social Liberal Party.

The Soumoud coalition and more than 60 independent personalities are also involved, said the Secretary General.

The initiative can be used politically, Charfi explained, insofar as the political parties still carry weight at the public level, despite the President of the Republic's attempts to sideline them and discredit political action.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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