Presidential elections are expected to be held in September or October 2024 (Mnasri)

The 2024 presidential elections are expected to be held in September or October 2024, spokesman for the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) Mohamed Tlili Mnasri announced on Sunday. The Authority will begin preparations for the 2024 presidential elections just after the setting up of the National Council of Regions and Districts, he told TAP. Mnasri was speaking on the sidelines of a press briefing held by the ISIE on Sunday at the Media Centre on the occasion of the run-off local elections. The approval of the election calendar for the 2024 presidential elections is due immediately after the establishment of the second parliamentary chamber, i.e. the National Council of Regions and Districts, he added. Mnasri pointed out that, in accordance with the laws in force, which he said had not been amended, the presidential elections should be held within the constitutional timeframe, i.e. during the last three months of the presidential term. Article 90 of the Constitution of July 25, 2022 stipula tes that "The President of the Republic shall be elected for a five-year term during the last three months of the presidential term by universal, free, direct and secret suffrage, by an absolute majority of the votes cast." President of the Republic Kaïs Saïed won the run-off presidential elections in 2019 against Nabil Karoui, with 72.71% of the vote. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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