President Stresses Need to Learn from Past Generation, Build the Future

President Sahle-Work Zewde emphasized that it is time to learn from the past generation and build better future for the next generation.

Today, fifth of Pagumen was observed as Generation Day in the presence of President Sahle-Work Zewde at Addis Ababa University.

The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Women and Social Affairs organized the Generation Day.

On the occasion, President Sahle-Work Zewde said everything is built by intergenerational linkages and stated the need to balance the condemnation and praises of the past and present generation.

Every generation has its challenges and successes, and focusing on criticism of the past generation and overpraising of the present generation should be balanced, she added.

The president underscored the necessity of today's generation to draw lessons from the past generation to improve the future.

We should learn from the past and strive to make the future better by strengthening the link between the generations, she emphasized.

According to the president, the culture of archiving historic accomplishments should be improved to enable the present and future generations draw important lessons and act as required.

We should pass on basic social capital to the next generation, she noted.

The president further said that the tendency of dwindling love this generation shows to the country in contrast to the past generation has to be improved.

Education Minister, Birhanu Nega on his part said that the event is aimed at connecting and sharing experiences among past, present and future generations.

The past generation was more knowledge-seeking, particularly through reading books, he noted, adding however that the mindset was ruined with very narrow framework.

The reading has introduced us with the Marxist-Leninist Ideology where its direct application in the country has caused wars and enormous damages, he observed.

The Ministry of Education is working to improve today's generation and pass on better things to the next generation, he added.

The government has made decision to mark the six days of Ethiopia’s iconic month of Pagumen with different themes.

Togetherness (unity) Day will also be marked tomorrow, Pagumen 6, the Eve of the Ethiopian New Year, 2016.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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