President Says Interests of Next Generation Should be Considered in All Current Activities

President Sahle-Work Zewde underscored the need to consider the interests of the next generation in all our activities that the nation carries out today.

Ethiopia is observing ‘Day of Generation’ under the theme “Ethiopia: Summation of All Generations!” as part of the series of events being marked during the six days of the thirteenth month of Pagumen.

At an event organized to mark the day today, the president said all nations across the globe are built with the collective efforts of subsequent generations of the respective countries.

“Hence, ‘what will I transfer to the upcoming generation’ is the basic question that every generation should ask itself,” the president underlined.

All generations have their own legacies, she pointed out, stressing the need to exert efforts for the betterment of the future by drawing lessons from the past.

Though Ethiopia is endowed with immense natural resources, it is still a poor country. The president called on the current generation to find solutions for this paradox.

She urged the new generation to develop a sense of rendering national services to the development of the country.

The president underscored that Ethiopia needs a strong generation that aspires national prosperity and stands for justice emphasizing the need to build a generation that believes in dialogue and ideas.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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