President Saied meets Interior Minister and senior security officials

President Kais Saied met Minister of the Interior, Kamel Feki, Director General of National Security, Mourad Saidane and Commander of the National Guard, General Hassine Gharbi, at the Carthage Palace on Friday.

The meeting focused on the general situation in the country, according to a statement from the Presidency.

In this context, the Head of State stressed the need to "face all challenges in order to protect the homeland and the state".

He also emphasised the need to "preserve civil peace" and "bar the way to all those who seek to undermine it through speculation or provoked crises".

President Saïed also pointed out that enforcing the law in no way means restricting the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the law.

In this context, he said instigating crises, speculation, offences against moral integrity and reputation and chaos can in no way come from freedoms, "these are practices that are incriminated by the law".

Drug eradication,irregular migration and preparations to ensure the security of national exams were also on the agenda of this meeting, according to the same statement.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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