President Sahle-Work Calls on Ethiopians to Design Shared Narrative, Narrow Differences

President Sahle-Work Zewde urged Ethiopians to diligently work for a common narrative, repair the fractures and narrow differences to put the country on solid foundation.

President Sahle-Work addressed the joint session of the House of Peoples' Representatives and House of Federation this afternoon.

The president highlighted the directions and plans which the government will implement in socioeconomic, political, diplomatic spheres during Ethiopian fiscal year of 2016.

In a speech she delivered, President Sahle-Work said that Ethiopia needs to craft a shared narrative to foster nation state building, which has faced multitudes of challenges.

She also stressed the need for Ethiopians to reach common understanding of major national issues to build a prosperous country.

According to the president, Ethiopia has now embarked on a far-reaching reforms and prosperity journey that will ensure the benefits of the entire people.

Looking back at the history of the country, Sahle-Work recalled that Ethiopians in unison have registered notable victories.

Through the unity of its peoples, Ethiopia managed to overcome many difficulties encountered in the past and ensured its survival, she said.

Together we overcame many difficulties and survived. We have crossed a long way for centuries in solidarity with each other, she said, adding we stood together and defended the enemies that had fought us.

She also said that Ethiopia has made a lot of contributions to humanity.

Most importantly, Ethiopia has served as the symbol of independence through its spirit of patriotism, igniting the black people across the world to rally for independence, the president recalled.

The extreme views and lack of reconciliation we experienced resulted in conflicts and an irreplaceable price which we have paid as a country, the president said, adding that ''we are still paying dearly.''

Noting that Ethiopia is endowed with untapped natural resources, the president urged Ethiopians to utilize our resources for development.

Drawing lessons from developed nations that have realized their growth through compromising their differences, Ethiopia’s past should not be an obstacle for the prosperity and development ambition that we pursue, she said.

We have to be open for reconciliation, President Sahle-Work said, urging fellow Ethiopians to strengthen the multinational unity and strive for common destiny of Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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