President Kais Saied inspects in El Mnihla process of removing construction debris accumulated for over a decade

President Kais Saied visited the El Mnihla neighbourhood on Monday to inspect the process of removing construction debris that has accumulated for more than a decade, according to a statement from the presidency that accompanied a video documenting the visit. The President of the Republic has already ordered the speedy removal of the waste and work began more than two weeks ago, according to the same source. During the visit, President Saied pointed out that "governors must assume their responsibilities in cleaning up the country, in this region and in others," adding that "those who do not assume their responsibilities have no place in the state.' The President of the Republic spoke to a number of regional and local officials, urging them to do more to respond to citizens' demands, not to disrupt their affairs and to ensure the normal functioning of public institutions. The President of the Republic listened to the concerns of a number of citizens and stressed that solutions will be found and that they must be social solutions that affect all Tunisians in all regions, while at the same time working to ensure that everyone respects the law and continuing to fight corruption both inside and outside the state apparatus. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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