President Kais Saied calls to speed up examination of several corruption cases and form Penal Conciliation Committee [Upd 1]

President of the Republic Kais Saïed called for a "legislative revolution" to counter the corruption that has pervaded many fields and sectors, pointing out that the country is currently waging a merciless war against a handful of corrupt individuals who have managed to infiltrate the State apparatus. At a meeting on Wednesday with Ministers of Justice Leila Jeffal, and of Finance Sihem Boughdiri Namsia, the Head of State said he was firmly resolved to track down corruption, promising to purge the country of anyone bent on sabotaging the institutions of the State or squandering its resources. President Saïed urged the two ministers to "speed up the examination of several corruption cases that are dragging on before the courts," citing as examples cases where corruption had affected several sectors and fields of activity, including banks, public companies, the media and sports federations, according to the Presidency of the Republic. Faced with rampant corruption, the President of the Republic urged the adm inistration and the judiciary to shoulder their full and entire responsibility in order to tackle this phenomenon, reaffirming that the country has all the means to win this war, and thus to materialise the choices of the people and not those of any foreign entity. President Saïed called to put an end to this degrading situation, underlining that several officials currently in office no longer have a place within the State apparatus, since they are "accomplices" in the crimes perpetrated by those (without naming them) who believe themselves to be above accountability. Besides, President Kais Saied stressed the need to speed up the formation of the Penal Conciliation Committee following the amendments made to the decree establishing it. The Head of State recalled that the purpose of penal reconciliation is to return to the Tunisian people the money that was stolen from them so that it can be channelled, in particular, to the regions that need to break out of the cycle of poverty and marginalisation as soon as possible. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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