Port traffic at Bizerte movable bridge to reopen on Tuesday evening

Bizerte: Port traffic in the Bizerte movable bridge will reopen on Tuesday evening, said regional director of public works in Bizerte, Om Ezzine Tamni. The decision was taken after studying the preliminary report assessing the consequences of last March 4 collision between the Italian freighter Ekmen Sky and the Bizerte movable bridge. Tamni told TAP news agency the first lifting of the movable bridge was scheduled for Tuesday evening at 23:00 to allow ships to enter and leave the commercial port of Bizerte-Menzel Bourguiba. "The vessel involved in the collision is currently subject to precautionary seizure, subject to payment of a provisional amount estimated at 3 million dinars, pending an exact assessment of the material damage caused to the deck," the same source added. At its emergency meeting on March 4, the Regional Committee for the Organisation of Rescue Operations authorised the appointment of a consultancy firm to assess the damage caused to the movable bridge, to maintain the previous traffic plan and to suspend the use of quay 1 of the commercial port of Bizerte. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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