PM, education minister visit El Amal primary school at start of academic year

Premier Ahmed Hachani and Education Minister Mohamed Ali Boughdiri paid an official visit Friday to El Amal primary school, Ettadhamoun neighbourhood, as the school year began in Tunisia.

The Prime Minister took note of the school's readiness after renovation works which run over eight months and cost a total of 564,000 dinars under co-financing between Tunisia and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development.

Hachani also familiarised with the revamp project of Taïeb Mhiri primary school, close to El Amal school; works are due to start in November.

Minister Mohamed Ali Boughdiri said all means were made available to ensure a successful academic year for 2,356,630 pupils.

Police will be deployed, in coordination with the Interior Ministry, in the vicinity of schools to fight against violence and delinquency, he also said.

High-speed Internet access will be made available in schools, in coordination with the Ministry of Communication Technologies.

The national consultation on education reform is due to start Friday as the new school year got underway.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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