PM chairs Small Cabinet Meeting on FX Code

A Small Cabinet Meeting dedicated to the examination of a bill concerning the organisation of financial transactions with foreign bodies was held, on Monday, at the Government Palace in Kasbah, chaired by Premier Ahmed Hachani, reads a statement of the Prime Ministry. The new Foreign Exchange Code, whose draft was formulated within a participatory framework, aims to redefine the concept of residency, establish principles for liberalising some financial transfers between Tunisia and foreign countries as well as authorise the use of crypto-assets, according to the presentation delivered on this occasion by Finance Minister Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia. It will also promote the development of the manual exchange system, the establishment of the status of approved exchange operator in an effort to help Tunisian companies make transfers abroad PM Hachani underscored that the Foreign Exchange Code and its related measures are in line with the prerogatives of the Finance Ministry and the Central Bank of Tunisia. Sour ce: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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