PM and BCT Governor discuss Tunisia’s financial and economic situation

Tunisia's financial and economic situation as well as the contribution of the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) to the implementation of the State's public policies, as part of consultations between the government and the BCT in the field of state economic policy, were discussed during a meeting held, Saturday, between Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani and BCT Governor Marouane Abassi at the Prime Ministry in la Kasbah. The Prime Minister called on all stakeholders to increasing efforts so as to overcome the current challenges Tunisia is facing, particularly in terms of achieving financial balances, reads a statement of the Prime Ministry on Saturday. Hachani also spoke of the working methods adopted at the Tunisian Financial Analysis Commission (CTAF), stressing the need to address issues related to money laundering and terrorism financing.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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