‘Perspectives’ project aiming at providing 200 young people with internships in Switzerland launched

Tunis: The "Perspectives" project, implemented within the framework of a partnership between the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the «Swisscontact» organization has been officially launched, Employment and Vocational Training Minister Lotfi Dhiab said on Friday. Under this project, 200 young Tunisian graduates from vocational training centres and colleges will receive professional internships in economic enterprises based in Switzerland for a period of up to 18 months. The project will also provide support to young people, returning to Tunisia, help them access the job market, whether in Swiss or foreign companies set up in Tunisia. The "Perspectives" project seeks to strengthen ties with Tunisian young people, benefit from their experience and encourage them to launch their own projects in an effort to boost the national economy and create more jobs. Employment and Vocational Training Minister pointed out that «through this projec t which runs until 2026, we will try to provide more job opportunities to young college graduates or those with vocational training diplomas by offering them professional internships in Switzerland for a period of 18 months.» He stressed that his department has established governance mechanisms to boost the labour market abroad and reduce youth unemployment based on the principle of equal opportunities. The minister affirmed that his department is working with its various partners to resolve the problem of irregular migration in order to allow young people to work legally abroad, promote their professional skills and to help the Tunisian diaspora to create investment and job opportunities. The Employment Ministry signed a partnership agreement on January 19, with Swiss officials to help young people get internships and encourage Tunisian expatriates to start their projects in Tunisia. On the sidelines of the launching ceremony of the «Perspectives» project, the Employment Minister declared that recruitmen t operations for young professionals by placement establishments abroad reached 13,857 during the period from 2011 to 2023. 2,173 young people were hired by through overseas recruitment agencies, most of them work in the health, tourism and catering sectors. Swiss Ambassador to Tunisia Jozef Renggli underlined that this project will have a positive impact on the governance of circular migration and boost the Tunisian economy. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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