Penetration rate of generic and biosimilar drugs in Tunisia estimated at 55%

The penetration rate of generic and biosimilar drugs in Tunisia is estimated at 55%, with a view to achieving a higher rate in the coming years, CEO of the Central Pharmacy of Tunisia Mehdi Dridi said on Friday. The latter described in a statement to the media on the sidelines of the 1st International Days of Generic and Biosimilar Medicines, held in Tunis on May 17-18, Tunisian consumption of generic medicines as low. In rich countries, he said, the penetration rate of generic and biosimilar medicines is 80 or even 90%. In order to increase this rate in Tunisia, several measures are currently under study, notably at regulatory level, said the CEO of the Central Pharmacy of Tunisia. As part of the partnership with the World Bank and the World Health Organisation (WHO), the financing policy for medicines in general is under review, he underlined. "We are gearing towards prescribing medicines in the International Non-proprietary Name (INN) format, so as to give pharmacists the option of substituting direc tly," Dridi pointed out. Pharmaco-economic studies have shown that simply remunerating pharmacists for dispensing generic drugs considerably reduces the use of originator drugs, and gives pharmacists the tools they need to raise the patient's awareness, which will systematically have a positive impact on cutting the cost of drugs and ensuring their availability, as well as on the healthcare system as a whole, the official said. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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