Participants in TAP’s symposium call for raising awareness of migrants’ problems away from political and economic exploitation

Participants in the International Symposium on "Immigration Issues in the Mediterranean: Media Coverage and Approaches," called on Friday for the need to raise awareness of immigration issues in an objective way and find practical solutions to counter it, away from political and economic exploitation. In the final report of the symposium, organised on November 23-24 by Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP) news agency as President of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) for 2023-2024, they recommended highlighting the humanitarian aspect of the issue and showing the plight of migrants, who are in real need of immigration. Participants called for conducting an in-depth analysis and research to unveil the problems and challenges that force people to immigrate. They called for coordinated efforts among local and international news agencies, the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) and academic institutions to provide more training opportunities for journalists to step up their understanding of m edia coverage techniques on immigration issues as part of a clear strategic plan. Participants underlined the need for cooperation and networking among the Mediterranean news agencies with a view to collecting data and proposing a reflective approach to irregular immigration, considering that AMAN must support the efforts of journalists working on this issue. They pointed out the need for journalists to uncover corruption, crime and the exploitation of migrants, calling for condemning all forms of abuse against immigrants, respecting their privacy and physical integrity while avoiding sensationalism and all forms of racial discrimination. It was recommended that the journalist be accurate in describing and defining terminologies used in the context of irregular immigration, with a call to coordinate the terminology glossaries and standardise concepts using local or Mediterranean guidelines. The media outlets are called to rely on official sources when dealing with information and statistics on irregular i mmigration, with emphasis on the credibility of sources and the necessity of collaboration to streamline the journalists' access to information. Participants proposed the creation of a master's degree on migration issues in media institutes and the launch of AMAN award for the best journalistic article on immigration in Mediterranean news agencies. In another connection, the participants called for raising awareness about the dangers of forced displacement across the world and organising a photo exhibition on migration issues on the occasion of AMAN conferences and meetings. The symposium offered an opportunity for constructive consultation in order to establish the best journalistic practices on migration issues and to clarify the role assigned to the media, in particular Mediterranean news agencies, in conveying the accurate information to the recipient as part of a commitment to journalistic ethics and the public opinion. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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