Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee hears Interior Minister on worsening irregular migration

Tunis: The worsening phenomenon of irregular migration in Tunisia was the focus of a hearing with Interior Minister Kamel Feki held on Monday at the Bardo Palace by the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP) Committee on Foreign Relations, International Cooperation, Tunisians Abroad and Migration. The Minister of Interior gave an overview of the security situation resulting from the growing wave of irregular migrants. "The security solution alone will not succeed in eradicating this composite and complex phenomenon, but political, economic, social and diplomatic approaches are needed," he stressed. He also highlighted the need to coordinate with neighbouring countries in the region and Tunisia's European partners to mitigate the impact of irregular migration on Tunisia, according to a statement issued by the Parliament. In their speeches, MPs gave vivid accounts of the deterioration of the security, social and health situation in many regions as a result of the increase in the number of irregular migr ants. They pointed to the "mystery" surrounding this phenomenon, in terms of how they enter Tunisian territory and spread to many regions, and questioned the Ministry's strategy for dealing with this phenomenon. In response to the MPs' questions, the Minister of the Interior explained that migration is a global phenomenon caused by geopolitical changes, in particular the deteriorating situation in a number of African countries. He said that Tunisia has been able to achieve significant successes in curbing this phenomenon and combating its escalation, in coordination with neighbouring countries and the European Union. Limiting the flow of irregular migrants is a common demand and can only be achieved through cooperation and joint coordination, Feki pointed out. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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