Parliament schedules dialogue with government on irregular migration

The Bureau of the Assembly of the People's Representatives (ARP), gathered on Thursday, has decided to organise dialogue sessions in the Hemicycle with members of the government.

These plenary dialogue sessions included on the legislative agenda, will be held under the chairmanship of Parliament Speaker Brahim Bouderbala, announced the Bureau in a statement.

The dialogue sessions are being held «in response to pressing demands and incessant calls related to the examination of the issue of irregular migration and the situation of vital sectors directly related to citizens' concerns,» according to the same source.

In this regard, 51 written questions formulated by the MPs will be addressed to the Prime Minister and her Cabinet.

The first plenary dialogue session will take place with the Interior Minister on Wednesday, July 26. The second session will be with the Minister of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources, and Fisheries on Thursday, July 27. The third and final session is scheduled for Friday, July 28, with the Minister of Commerce and Export Development.

The ARP Bureau has also established the organisational modalities for the two plenary dialogue sessions, respectively with the Ministers of Equipment and Housing on Monday, July 17, and with the Minister of Youth and Sports on July 24.

The allotted speaking time for each MP and issues related to the order of sessions were discussed.

Furthermore, the Bureau examined a proposed law No. 14/2023 regarding the criminalisation of normalisation with the Zionist entity, a legislative initiative presented by a group of 15 MPs.

In this context, the Bureau decided to submit this draft to the Committee on Rights and Freedoms for examination and recommendation.

The meeting also conferred on bill No. 11/2023 regarding the Constitutional Court, presented by a group of eleven MPs.

In this regard, it was agreed to table the examination of this bill for a later session before submitting it, commented and annotated, to the relevant parliamentary committee.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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