Pandemic Fund Launches Ethiopia-Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and ResponsePresident Kais Saied calls from Rome for collective solution to migration problem

Addis Ababa: The pandemic fund has launched Ethiopia-Pandemic Multi-Sectoral Prevention, Preparedness and Response Project (EPPR) aimed at reinforcing the capacity to prevent, detect, and response to public health emergencies including pandemics. Strengthened workforce, improved laboratory systems, and enhanced surveillance at points of entries are among the expected outcomes from the launched EPPR project, it was learned. Health Minister, Lia Tadesse and Agriculture Minister, Girma Amante as well as representatives of Africa CDC, WHO Regional Office and the World Bank Group are attending the launching ceremony. The project with the three main pillars of laboratory, workforce, and surveillance is expected to phase out in 2026. The Pandemic Fund is a collaborative partnership among donor countries, co-investors (countries that are eligible to receive funding), foundations and civil society organizations (CSOs). It is hosted by the World Bank with WHO as technical lead. The Pandemic Fund finances critical investments to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capacities at national, regional, and global levels, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Source: Ethiopian News Agency correspondent Narjes Bdira) - President Kais Saied stressed on Monday in Rome, where he attended the Africa-Italy Summit, the need to eliminate the causes of irregular migration to Europe through a collective solution. Speaking to TAP on the sidelines of the summit, the head of state said that the solution to irregular migration cannot be individual, but must be collective, stressing that "the solution cannot also be based on security". Saied pointed out that, as a follow-up to the summit, a conference would soon be held to discuss the "details of the development to be established in African countries". He said that criminal organisations were behind the phenomenon, trafficking people and their organs around the world. "When there is hope, the feeling of despair disappears and no one will leave his country in death boats to other countries," he stressed, adding that this inhuman situation cannot be accepted and must come to an end. He declared that Tunisia has great potential and will 'work to provide al l the elements of a decent life for Tunisians and will welcome African brothers within the framework of the law.' The President of the Republic spoke of the efforts made by state institutions and relevant organisations to help African migrants in the country, in particular the Tunisian Red Crescent, which has played a major role in this regard by putting humanitarian values before legal aspects. President Saied stressed that "Tunisia will not accept the settlement of African migrants and will only be a place within the framework of the law established by our country and not within the framework of arrangements developed from abroad". The Head of State took part in the events of the "Italy-Africa" summit, which opened on Monday in the presence of some 25 heads of state and government from Europe and Africa. The summit, held under the banner of the "Mattéo Plan", also discussed issues such as migration, climate, food security and energy transition. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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