November 2023, hottest since 1950 (INM)

November 2023 was hot with a positive anomaly of +2.2°C which makes of it the first hottest November since 1950, the National Institute of Meteorology (French: INM) said in in its monthy news. Actually, the national average temperature (27 main stations) reached 18.7°C, exceeding the national reference average (16.5°C). Maximum average temperatures ranged between 18.1°C in Thala and 26.2°C in El-Borma and were far hotter than the reference average in all regions. The general maximum average temperature (27 main stations) hit 24°C, well above the reference average (21.5°C) with a positive anomaly of +2.5°C. Cumulative rainfall for November stood at 650.5 mm, down from an average of 1069 mm for these stations. The deficit reached 39%. In most of these stations, cumulative rainfall did not exceed the average. The highest rainfall, 150mm, compared to the average (160.8mm) was registered in Tabarka. Southern Tunisia, meanwhile, reported a weak level of rainfall. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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